Creating cash cows for your retirement. How?
If you have flair in writing, you can create ebooks to sell online. If one ebook can give you a monthly income of $1000, 5 ebooks will give you $5000! Best is that work one time, get paid forever, One guy was sharing with me how he helped his mother to create a cook book to sell on Amazon kindle amd became a best seller. Now her monthly income from Amazon is USD 2400 for this venture. Best is that he outsourced everything to Fiverr for a couple of hundreds USD.
Another great cash cow is training. If you are good and knowledgeable in any topics (e.g. NLP, energy healing, yoga etc), you can create online courses.
I am into writing eBooks full-time. Write ebooks for 5 stream of income. Anybody can write. We will teach you how if you join us as free member to eBook Writer Guild (EWG) and place your ebooks on eVenchise platform to sell your eBooks and other author's ebooks. Visit, my ebook store to see how it is done. 3000+ ebooks available for sales in 500+ book stores all over the world.
I am also a trainer developing my own course contents.
Visit to learn how you can create more cash cows for your retirement and wealth accumulation.